The recent announcement by the UN that Kisumu is the first millenium city is welcome and a truly exciting time for this sleepy lake side city. The Prof. Sachs led vision of MDG's are great and i believe through good leadership , can be attainable. We as Kenyans pride ourselves in our beautiful land and especially our cities especially Nairobi. But are we prepared for a major disaster?
Recently i read a book by the usual disillusioned foreign correspondents that claimed "Nairobi is the East African centre of Everything and the centre of Nothing at the same time".
Having now visited many western capitals it is hard to defend this point .
One thing close to my heart and of major concern that needs urgent attention is the lack of emergency response services of not only Kisumu but all Kenyan cities. Kisumu as an example boasts only 1 run down fire station with one engine for its entire half a million inhabitants.The glaring inadequecies of our emergency response is exhibited for all and sundry everytime their is a minor or major disaster to deal with. The recent disaster that killed kenyans after the collapse of the building is one example.
Emergency services providers, including police are the back bone of major cities response to such disasters. Coupled with the three T's of urban planning i.e availability of transport,technology and tolerance, major world cities ,think tokyo,NYC etc have excellent disaster response systems... well apart from the unfortunate human inadequecies- think Katrina.
I was involved in the search & rescue(s& r) efforts after the U.S embassy terrorist bombing. It was a wake up call for us for i am invloved in disaster response management teams in Nairobi.This has made me acutely aware of our vulnerability. Surely our lives and well being are of utmost importance.
Recent world public health crisis including sars,ebola ,avian flu and natural disasters make me question weather still our cities are prepared to respond adequately. Kenya thank God has been spared any major epidemic excluding Aids.
Take a simple preventive response recently in Nigeria and India where, their was a concerted kick polio vaccination effort. The response of the population was indeed sad and shocking but it reflects what might just happen in Kenya.
We have all expericed this in kenya where the kick polio health workers go door to door vaccinating children. It usually goes well and past success proves it.Well in these mentioned countries according to recent reports, due to false rumours, lack of goverment leadership, and just plain ignorance, doors were slammed on the health workers because the parents, having heard the circulating false rumours refused access to immunisation for the children with obvious disastrous effect.This could easily be Kenya.
Incase of any preventive mass campaigns or even God forbid disaster to hit our country and it is inevitable, how will we react? Information is key to this response. The government, media,public service and private individuals must work together. Individually i urge you Arm yourself with knowledge on what to do incase of an emergency. The government should also adopt an open door policy and true information using the media that is adequate to avoid breeding rumour or mistrust. But as in all third world countries do not rely on the government to quickly come to your aid. Preparation is your best defense. A first aid class with st john ambulance is a start, coupled with evacuation drills and stored emeregency rations and supplies.
A word of advice incase of a building collapse on you like in recent cases, latest word , chose a "safe place', that is the voids in between a safe inner wall away from windows,bookcases that may fall on you. You will be protected by the Void the foot of walls or structures. The idea is to provide yourself a gap between yourself and falling debri and provide easier rescue attempts. For more info go to the- osha-web site.
Lastly i urge you to volunteer for your local ambulance or emergency service or form an emergency response team of your own in your area. Our cities need the human resource including counsellors, enginers and any body who come in handy incase of structural collapse ,medics like my self and anybody with a willing heart. Remember be prepared.